Things to do in

As the home of Auburn University, Auburn is one of the best places to live in all of Alabama. It's often referred to as the "loveliest village of the plain," a name taken from a poem written by Oliver Goldsmith.
Hallett, Josh. (2006). Jule Collins Smith Museum of Fine Art. Wikipedia.

Jule Collins Smith Museum of Fine Art
901 South College St, Auburn, AL, 36849
Langley, Rivers A. (2011). Davis E. Arboretum. Wikipedia.

Davis Arboretum
181 Garden Dr, Auburn, AL, 36849
AuburnPilot. (2008). Jordan-Hare Stadium in Auburn, AL. Wikipedia.

Jordan-Hare Stadium
251 South Donahue Drive, Auburn, AL, 36849
Knizzle17. (2007). Chewacla Falls. Wikipedia.

Chewacla State Park
124 Shell Toomer Pkwy, Auburn, AL, 36830
Streetninja. (2019). Escape Zones. Google.

Auburn Escape Zone
1234 Commerce Dr, Auburn, AL 36830
Moss, Bart. (2023). Jay and Susie Gogue PAC. Google.

Jay and Susie Gogue Performing Arts Center
910 South College Street, Auburn, AL, 36849